Displaying 5 out of 14 results

October Pizza Marathon is Back Again

By Seth Mielke | Published on September 26, 2023

Last year our t-shirt design got us banned from Etsy! What does this year have in store for us? Join us in making history!

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A Beginner's Camping Experience

By Seth Mielke | Published on September 18, 2023

Even on a beautiful late Summer evening, there were plenty of lessons for me to learn out on the corner of the Metro Park.

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Share Your Story at Days Grow By

By Seth Mielke | Published on September 14, 2023

It is a lot of fun to share our own stories here, but we'd also love to hear from you. Click here to find out how to tell your story. We can showcase you on our platform today!

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Tomatoes galore, oh my! What should you do with them?

By Elizabeth Mielke | Published on September 07, 2023

From an overabundance of cherry tomatoes to roma tomatoes to beefsteak tomatoes, here are two different ways we have created deliciousness with these high yielding crops.

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The Number 7

By Seth Mielke | Published on September 05, 2023

Is it a lucky number?

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