Gardening by the Moon

By Seth Mielke | Last Updated on August 21, 2023 at 12:15PM ET

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The Moon is quite a site to behold. To many gardeners, it is also a guide and a clock, providing guidance on when to plant, till, weed, and harvest. Gardening by the Moon is based on the idea that the Lunar Cycles impact a plant's well-being. Quickly we will cover the differences between a Waxing and Waning Moon; New and Full Moon. And what to do with this information, if you're interested in trying Gardening by the Moon for yourself! Image Provided by Vecteezy

Waxing vs. Waning Moon

The Moon is WAXING (or getting bigger) from the time it is a New Moon until the point when it becomes a Full Moon. The Moon is WANING (or getting smaller) from the time it is a Full Moon until the point when it becomes a New Moon. Guide to Remember: It is shaped like a 'D' when it is Waxing because a Dog comes waxing. It is shaped like a 'C' when it is Waning because a Cat goes away waning.

What to do with this information?

Plant crops and flowers that grow above ground during the waxing of the moon. Examples are: tomatoes, peppers, corn. Plant crops and flowers that grow primarily below the ground during the waning of the moon. Examples are: onions and potatoes.


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